Tips for Installing Security Doors

One of the most important things about enjoying your home is feeling safe and secure. You probably want to relax and be confident that the house is protected even when you're out. One way to do this is to install security doors. Consider the following tips.

Safety Standards

It's important that the door you choose complies with the relevant safety standards, such as AS5039 and AS5041, which outline the manufacture and testing of these doors. After all, a seller may tell you a product is strong, but you have no way of measuring that yourself. However, adhering to the safety standards provides evidence that the door is tough.

AS5041 compliance shows that the door has passed various factory tests that simulate what a burglar may try. These include a knife shear test and an impact test. A security door has to earn the label stating it is compliant by enduring all the battering and harm that occurs in a factory situation. The door's installation is also important if it is to create a sturdy barricade. The installation requirements are outlined in AS5040.

One-way Mesh

To make your home safer, you can choose one-way security mesh on the door. This weave lets you see outside, but the person on the other side can't see past the mesh.

Some burglars knock before breaking in to see if anyone is home. It's a scary thought that you may answer a knock from a potential burglar. But doing so will let them know your place is occupied, at least, and they won't get a view of anything they may want to come back later and steal. Additionally, they can't see you, so you can feel safer.

You can also answer the door for parcel deliveries and other reasons while feeling safe behind a barrier. Not all one-way mesh is a security screen, however, so make sure that the product you choose complies with the standards as well.

Protection for All Entrances

A security door at the front of your house will show burglars that you are willing to take steps to improve safety. This alone can deter some burglars. However, others can try the back doors or windows, so you should ensure they are protected as well. Security doors come in various configurations, such as sliding and pivot styles. So all types of doors can be protected.

You can also put security screens on the windows. They're not as visually intrusive as bars, but they'll help safeguard all entry points. Other ways a burglar can attempt to break in are through pet doors and garage entrances. So ensure they are sturdy as well.

For more information about security doors, contact a local company.
